Aviation images

In Reach of The Skies: Aviation related stories from a life long enthusiast

Friday 11 November 2022

Duxford Drop In 7.11.22

A brief stop at Duxford on the way home. Winter closing and a delayed arrival meant we only had around an hour and we wanted a bite to eat as well - where we found that, apparently, member discounts no longer apply in food outlets!

Anyway, a quick spin around some of the hangars found the Conservation hangar stilled closed for maintenance with an 'opening Autumn' sign outside - they're cutting that one fine! Sally B is now indoors meaning that the BBMF Dak has been moved, presumably down to Arco. The Walrus was also elsewhere, maybe in the Arco hangar too. No Catalina in the hangar so presumably off travelling somewhere, hopefully not Loch Ness!

Everything else much as expected with no real changes since my late September visit.


  1. Nice clicks for a quick visit. I see the CR.42 is still being 'attended'
    too. Thought the hit the 'deck' Hunter shot was very good. How's your
    knees !! Nimrod ll shot is 'fab'.

  2. Cheers Gary. Yeah, CR42 is looking a bit like it should be shuffled over the other side of the hangar as a companion for the Beau!

  3. Always good to see pics from DX Peter, thanks :)

    1. Thanks Marcus, it's always good to have even a quick look around🙂
