Aviation images

In Reach of The Skies: Aviation related stories from a life long enthusiast

Sunday 28 May 2023

Manston History Museum charity event

Manston history museum staged a special event in aid of charity today. There were old military vehicles, some re-enactors, stalls, entrance to the museum itself and, for the first time in several years, a number of light aircraft flew in to support the event. Although they were parked up the other side of the road to the museum and not readily accessible it was great to see live aircraft on the airfield once again. The future of flight seems to be down to a judicial review in July and a change in the council recently means that they are no longer in favour of the airport re-opening but the owners are still pushing ahead at present. Polar Helicopters who are based at Manston dealt with air traffic today. With a spot of lunch taken at the Spitfire museum this was a pleasant diversion in the spring sunshine. Pictures from my last visit to the museum can be seen here but this is from today:


  1. The Manston saga continues- eh? I do remember the Spitfire Museum that you were so kind to take me there 👍😎 - Marcus

    1. Surprised to find our joint visit was 8 years ago!!
      Yes Marcus, the Manston saga drags on. Each time there is a positive step forward some local 'vigilante' group steps in and chucks another spanner in the works.

  2. Nice 'hit the deck' shot of the Provost
