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In Reach of The Skies: Aviation related stories from a life long enthusiast

Saturday 14 May 2022

Lympne Airfield

 Lympne airfield in Kent became active in WWI, coming into use in 1916. Civilianised in 1919 it became a front line field in WWII initially with the Fleet Air Arm and then the RAF. It was heavily bombed in the Battle of Britain and put out of action for a while and, as it was so near to the coast, it was considered too much of a risk for squadrons to be based there but never the less played an important role.

The airfield returned to civilian use after the war with Skyways operating trips to France but over time services moved to nearby Lydd and Lympne ceased to operate in 1984.

Today there are a few buildings on the edge of a wildlife park but an industrial estate has grown up on part of the field and really there is very little to see that suggests an airfield ever existed, save for a plaque on a nearby local pub.

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